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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
barn dance
▪ Central Birmingham Group held a barn dance which raised £200; door-to-door the group collected £1,300.
▪ This will be followed by an evening barn dance.
barn dance

n. A type of set step routine dancing, such as square dance vb. To take part in barn dancing.

barn dance

n. a dance party featuring country dancing

Barn dance

A barn dance is any kind of dance involving traditional or folk music with traditional dancing, occasionally held in a barn, but, these days, much more likely to be in any suitable building.

The term “barn dance” is usually associated with family-oriented or community-oriented events, usually for people who do not normally dance. The caller will, therefore, generally use easy dances so that everyone can join in.

A barn dance can be a Ceilidh, with traditional Irish or Scottish dancing, and people unfamiliar with either format often confuse the two terms. However, a barn dance can also feature square dancing, Contra dancing, English Country Dance, dancing to Country and Western music, or any other kind of dancing, often with a live band and a Caller.

Barn dances, as social dances, were popular in Ireland until the 1950s, and were typically danced to tunes with 4/4 rhythms.

Usage examples of "barn dance".

You'll do fine for a barn dance or a cakewalk, or maybe a picnic, but house building and brat raising ain't exactly your line.

I called up the Country Club, and they don't know about any barn dance.

Stone, for verily it is written that those who would attend the barn dance must pay at the door.

They came for the country music and the All-Day Sings and to get a look at the Old Kentucky Barn Dance they'd heard so often on their radios at home.